Monday, July 07, 2008

My day (in photos)

Sunrise over my homestead-- there is no better sight at 6am.

It's colder here than it looks in this picture, and using the outdoor latrine at 6am leaves one with shivers.

I greet my meme.

and my sisters

and my dog.

Some days, I visit child-headed households.

Some houses with four or five kids

...some houses with more than 15 kids

...and some houses with attitude

Many days I do work at Oonte, a centre for orphans and other vulnerable children

...these pictures represent the best part of my days

We look up new words in the dictionary

And talk about things like peer pressure

And make collages of the things we love

Some days we even have meals

And then everyone is happy.

And as I walk home, I watch as the sun sets...

...and the moon rises.

...and I agree, "it's hard to stay mad when there's so much beauty in the world."

-American Beauty


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...I can already tell you're gonna be hit hard when you leave for home.

Take lots more pictures and treasure every moment left.

1:22 AM  
Anonymous mary mwiandi said...

good work and something to think about--helping

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Xavier said...

These pictures remind me of my days as a kid in the slopes of Mount Kenya.
The picture of kids sitting down on the ground to have their meals is nostalgic

10:26 AM  
Anonymous dojuma said...

This photos are of good memory.

2:02 PM  

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