Girls and Guys Leading Our World
I’m just now coming to the end of my month-long holiday. This past trimester was probably the toughest one we have seen at the school, and for a number of reasons, so I was glad to see it come to an end with no deaths or serious injuries (this was/is an actual concern). Over holiday I spent time on the coast, as well as in Rundu and Keetmanshoop (if you check a map you will see that these three points are quite a distance from one another—lots of great hiking stories, as always :) ). It was nice to get away for awhile and catch up with some friends.
Hiking on the long road to somewhere.
Though I was technically on break, I did spend part of my holiday working. The first week of my break was spent at a primary school in
For those of you who don’t know,
Though the camp lasted only one week, it took many months of preparation to make that one week possible. As the transportation coordinator for my region (Erongo), I was responsible for getting the 13 learners, 2 facilitators and myself from our homes to
The campers arrived on a Saturday and camp officially started Sunday morning. We began by breaking the kids up into their teams, trying to split up kids coming from the same areas in order to encourage them to meet new people and make new friends. We gave them some time to come up with a team name and a team cheer, which they presented to the group before we began with the day’s activities. Day one was Character Development Day. In their teams, campers discussed what is “great” about them—what characteristics made them a good and unique person. On small pieces of paper, they coloured and labeled an outline of a person’s body but used words and descriptions that they as individuals possessed. In the afternoon, each camper was given a very large piece of butcher paper. They each were to lie down on the piece of paper and have a partner trace their body. Campers then spent the next few hours decorating their body in an attempt to describe themselves artistically. Using materials such as old magazines, markers, stickers, glitter, yarn and buttons, the kids worked hard on their life-sized portraits. The end results were wonderful and the learners’ creativity really came through. This type of activity is something I feel I did numerous times throughout my childhood, but none of these kids had ever worked on a similar project, a fact that was apparent as we watched them work so hard for hours. It's actually quite rare that they ever get to use art to express themselves, so this activity was a nice change for them. The final products were displayed on the walls of the dining hall we were using, and we encouraged campers to use free time throughout the week to write nice notes to one another on the drawings. (Side note: The volunteers also participated in this activity. Maybe I will post a picture of the affirmations that the kids wrote for me because they are, as you may assume, absolutely hilarious.)
Campers working hard on their life-sized portraits
For the evening session, we surprised the kids with a visit from one of the biggest recording artists in
Day two was Future Day. The details of this day unnerved us PCVs because for the first time, we were going to take the kids outside of the school compound. The neighborhood that the school was in was not the safest neighborhood, so there was no way we were allowing any of the kids to wander outside the school grounds during camp. However, on this particular day not only were we opening up the gates of the school, we were bussing the kids into the city of
Namibian Parliament
During the evening session of Future Day, we invited
Day three was Teambuilding Day and
Team Fantastic 10. They had to pass all members of their team over the rope without speaking to one another. This is the strategy they came up with.
In the evening, we had another surprise for the campers when the Brave Warriors,
The Brave Warriors
Each day of camp was planned and organized by between two and four PCVs. Day four was HIV/AIDS Day, and was the day that I was responsible for, along with two other PCVs. As we knew this day would have the heaviest and most emotional content, we wanted to save it until near the end of camp so that the kids felt comfortable not only with us, but with their peers within their teams so they could have open discussions and ask questions they may have never felt comfortable asking before. We opened the day with a detailed overview of HIV and AIDS—the origins, causes, prevention, treatment, etc. After this session, we broke the campers up into boys and girls and had a boys talk/girls talk that was facilitated by us PCVs. This talk was the type of talk that probably occurs in any sex education class in
The girls, showing off their new menstrual beads.
The afternoon sessions were a bit more intense for the campers. We began with a presentation by two staff members from a nearby New Start Centre. New Start Centres are health centres that can be found in larger cities around
Seboka simulating an HIV test for the campers.
After the simulations, we called the kids together for what we knew would be the heaviest speech they would hear that week. One of our facilitators, a 26-year old woman who had been a great team coach and facilitator the whole week, revealed to the campers that she is HIV-positive. She told her story of how she became infected, and explained to the kids how she is now living positively and educating others about how to stay safe. It was an eye-opening moment for the kids. Here was a woman who they had grown to love over the past week, who outwardly seemed very healthy but who was infected with this horrible disease. They were able to see that it really can infect anyone. They were also able to see that not everyone who is positive exhibits outward signs of the disease—most people nowadays look just as healthy as any of us. Some tears were shed, but I think it was an incredibly important speech for these kids to hear. To end the day on a more relaxed note, we took the campers to Sam Nujoma Stadium (a very big deal), and played some soccer games with them until after dark.
The final day of camp was Leadership Day. The point of this day was sort of to wrap up the week, and discuss with the campers how they can take the things they learned during the week and bring them back to their schools and communities. The kids spent the day practicing things like public speaking and different ways to lead a group. In the afternoon, we allowed campers to get back together with others from the same school or region and brainstorm different ideas for clubs they would be interested in forming once they returned to school. The campers discussed how they would go back and advocate for things like textbooks for all subjects, well-maintained classrooms and hostels, clean-up campaigns for towns or villages, and the appointment of learners on school boards and town and village councils. In the evening, we had a
Friday morning, we herded the campers up, put them back on their busses and combis and sent them on their way. My 65-seat bus that we had arrived in had transformed itself into a 10-person combi (knowing ministry transport, this was not at all surprising). Trying to squeeze 17 campers and facilitators, and all of their belongings, onto the combi wasn’t the most ideal travel situation, but as always, we made the best of the situation, and everyone returned to their homes safe and sound.
The back two rows of my combi. There are 6 more people off to the right that you can't see, as well as 3 more up front where this picture is being taken from. It was a long journey home.
All in all, it was a really wonderful week. Sometimes I forget how strongly environment affects children. You get to know the kids and the situations, but you sort of overlook (or don’t let yourself think about) the uncontrollable settings some of the kids have no choice but to live in. The only environments I’ve ever seen my kids interact in are their school and home environments, neither of which are very healthy. At school they are influenced by an overwhelming number of disruptions and bad influences, including their fellow learners and their teachers; at home, they are expected to take care of things and act as adults, not as children. Neither of these venues provides much opportunity for a young person to enjoy him or herself and be happy. Spending time with 80 of the brightest, best behaved and most promising young people at this camp for one week opened my eyes. Their positive energy was contagious, and they fed off of one another throughout the week. It had been a very long time since I’d seen most of my kids that happy. It’s hard to even put into words how great it feels to see a learner who you have watched struggle for months actually smile, be happy and truly enjoy himself for an entire week. Everything else could have fallen apart, camp could have been a total flop logistically, but if the kids are happy and enjoying themselves-- we really can't hope for much more.
Looking at these pictures since camp has helped me feel some sort of inner calm about life here. We talk a lot about creating sustainable projects that will live on after we have gone, and often times it’s hard not to feel like a failure when it seems nothing that I am doing would ever be able to sustain itself if I wasn’t here. I'm not at all trying to say that I have superior abilities or am irreplaceable, it's just that education has a long ways to go here, and often times I can see that the way I do things, the way I have been trained to work, is more than a few years ahead of how things operate here. Sustainability is an inner battle that all volunteers fight throughout our service, and it's hard to know if anything we ever do will really be beneficial in the long run. But lately, I’ve sort of changed my thinking on all of that. I absolutely think sustainability is important, and it will always remain my primary focus (regardless of grade results and pass rates, I still believe education is the most sustainable thing any of us can pass on to another human being); however, creating something truly sustainable in a country as undeveloped and young as
The truth is that often times, there is so much that needs to be done in these developing countries, it’s truly impossible to know where to start, or to evaluate whether or not we are making any kind of difference. As a volunteer, some things will work, and some things won’t. We try and sometimes we succeed, but often things fall apart and we are left feeling unsure of ourselves and our work. However, the influence that we have on kids is evident and is really the only concrete bi-product of my Peace Corps service that I can say, without a doubt, will stay behind after I have gone.
Camp GLOW 2007